Ann Patriot
Over the years Ann spearheaded signature fund-raising events and capital campaigns for numerous organizations including Robert De Mars Charity, Make-A-Wish Foundation, Habitat for Humanity, Red Cross, Rugiero Promise Foundation, and various diverse organizations throughout Detroit.
Following retirement, Ann became an active supporter of local charities and volunteered in the Michigan republican party. Ann rapidly became concerned seeing the breakdown of state government policies and their effect on business and people of Wayne County. She decided to take action and actively work for pro-America and pro-Constitution policies.

Political Accomplishments 2020 - Current
- Current Chair of the Wayne County Republican Committee
- Wayne County Coordinator for Pat Colbeck’s Project to collect tabulator tape results for in person voting and for absentee voting tapes from every city in Wayne County.
- 2022 Primary winner for Wayne County Commissioner District 13.
- Supporting Dearborn parents and community members in their efforts to protect children from pornography in public school libraries.
- Wayne County Republican Committee Precinct Delegate Coordinator: Created a team who recruited delegates, developed training material and conducted Precinct Delegates Training Classes throughout Wayne County.
- Assisted Matt DePerno’s office in processing and submitting affidavits for Election Integrity.
- Supported and assisted Pat Colbeck in several of his initiatives in regard to voter integrity.
- Worked as an Election Inspector in Dearborn.
- Created and implement a calendar of political events occurring throughout Wayne County. Which includes news, events and calls to action in order to engage and activate voters and connect them with grassroots organizations and activities happening within the Michigan Republican Party.
- Chair for Wayne County Recall Whitmer campaign and managed 240 volunteers.